2016 started off with a bang and I've hit the ground running. Momentum is building and I'm excited for what this year could bring. It's going to be a year filled with many firsts for me, so to start, here's what I have coming up so far:
"Ares, God of War" Oil on board, 18x24". September 2015 |
Publications & Exhibitions:
- Infected by Art Volume 4:
- "Ares, God of War" (above) has been accepted into this year's annual fantasy publication! This is a big honor for me and I'm very excited for "Ares" to be my first illustration accepted into a juried competition. Thank you to IBA and the judges!
- Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell Tribute Exhibition: Opens March 19th, 2016.
- "Ares, God of War" was also a finalist in the contest hosted by The Art Order. My painting and a small selection of other finalists will be exhibiting at Gallery Provocateur in Chicago, Illinois.
- Illuxcon 9 Showcase: October 19-23, 2016.
- This will be my first exhibition at a convention! I attended Illuxcon 8 in 2015 and can't wait to have a booth this year. Single day, Five day, and Student passes are available at the convention's website.
Website & Social Media Updates:
- Store: My Etsy shop, which primarily featured oil studies and plein air paintings, has been temporarily removed from my website. A new store with prints and originals of my illustrations is in the works and will be launched in the coming weeks.
- Social Media Expansion: In addition to my established presences on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and DeviantART, you can now find me on Art Station and Reddit.
New Works:
- I have a few projects under NDA right now that I can't share yet but can't wait to do so! And as always, I'm working to update my portfolio with new works.
- With Illuxcon 9 coming up in October, I expect to have a new body of work to bring with me to the show. I'm working on new paintings with the goal of releasing one per month for the next eight months. To finish off this post, here is the first painting of the New Year, "Jason & the Khalkotauroi". Some of you may recognize the image from an older version I painted last year, but that's for another post!
"Jason & the Khalkotauroi" A scene from the Greek Myth, The Argonautika. Oil on board, 20x31". January 2016. |